51% British:
Writing the troubles out of my head
This is a collection of my poetry, written over the last 20 years. Much of it stems from my experience as a protestant growing up close to the Fermanagh border. This proximity to the starkest face of the modern Northern Ireland conflict has shaped me far beyond the claustrophobic grasp of a time and a place where terrible things could happen and often did.

Why am I doing this?

I think that experience deserves to be written about. As you will discover, the majority of these poems are written from a Protestant perspective. For better or for worse, this is my tribe and these are the people I still claim to know the best, years later. If you have any sense, you write about what you know. It couldn't be more 'niche' but it's my niche.
I suppose I am trying to be a lyrical witness to an era of incomprehensible cruelty which has passed beyond public consciousness but leaves a legacy of unresolved grief and hurt. I don't know why it's so important to me. It just is.
I don't know how right I've got the voices or the places or the tone - you be the judge of that. But I can say that this collection is dedicated to the 'quiet people' of Fermanagh's killing fields. The people who saw far too much but found a way of enduring through our dirty, intimate, lethal little spasm of inter-Christian slaughter. For when all's said and done and when the propaganda is stripped away that's exactly what it boils down to.
So thanks for running your eye over these offerings. They aren't for everyone - they are stark, partial, uncompromising and, lets be honest, some are better than others! But any feedback - for good or ill is gratefully received. I'm enjoying a modest following at the moment and many of the pieces you see have been published but not as a collection. Surfing editors, please note!